
Bengalkatzen sind intelligent, neugierig, verspielt und menschenbezogen, sie wollen dabei sein. Damit es ihnen bei uns möglichst gut geht, habe ich hier einige praktische Informationen zusammen getragen.

Cat Litter for (several) Bengal Cats

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In our opinion the best litter is Ever Clean Clumping Crystals Cat Litter Multiple Cats. You can try whatever litter you want, as long as it is accepted by your cat. For each cat you need at least one clean box, easily accessible, one on each floor. When problems arise, get more clean boxes!



Nutrition of Bengals

Posted in Infos

We feed our kittens quality dry food Royal Canin Baby Cat and as wet food pure canned OM nom nom variety Chicken. If you want to change the diet of a cat, you should begin slowly and only gradually mix in the new type of dry or wet food that you want to feed. Diet change can cause diarrhoea.

Each kitten gets a package of food it is used to from us on its way.

Apartement Cat or Free-Running Cat?

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Our kittens are not allowed to go to the garden during the three or four months they are living with us, so that they would not miss it when they are to live in an apartment with their new owners. Bengals can live happily in an apartment, expecially if thy have another cat to keep them company. They need a scratching post, litter box, fresh water, quality cat food and much play and cuddle time with their people.

Free running cats live dangerously. They can be stolen or run over. If you live in a very quiet area and want to try it, you should keep the kitten in the house as long as possible, at least six months to one year, before you let him out. Older cats are more careful outside the house and generally live longer than young kittens.


Bengals Characteristics

Posted in Infos

Bengals are known as intelligent, playful, active and curious cats. They love water, action, children, and they often follow their human through the house. They should not be held alone, another cat is important for them, no matter whether Bengal cat or other, young or old. It is essential especially when people are all the day absent from home. Bengals like to climb to high places and examine everything; even bottom-hung windows opening inwards (very dangerous, cat can get stuck!) and half-open doors (risk of escape). You can easily teach a Bengal cat to fetch a toy mouse, since they hunt enthusiastically for toys and anything moving. They like sharpen their claws, like all cats, on the scratching post set up by us for that purpose. They like to eat some green grass and enjoy fresh air, sun shine, warmth, and a free view from the window, maybe on some birds or other cats roaming. If you are lucky, they might join you in the shower since they like water.

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